As we mentioned earlier, in our company, each product goes through three rigorous quality filters with state-of-the-art technology to ensure that when you go out to give your best performance, you have the support of the best cables for microphone & musical instruments at all key points.
In addition to these quality filters, we also perform additional tests continually, that track and measure all posible incidents with our cables (from complaints & defects to product delivery delays), and the numbers are truly remarkable!
For example, out of 110,000 manufactured cables, SOLCOR only received 3 complaints.
This means that the percentage of defective cables in the company is only 0.00279.
And now, let’s move on to the additional tests that guarantee our superior quality:
Continuity Test:
Developed in our laboratory by the technical team that assembles the cables, with the help of a frequency generator machine that, in turn, feeds another machine called an Oscilloscope.
Each technician carefully checks if the cable provides the desired amplitude (sound), and if not, it is immediately sent back to the production line to be assembled from scratch.
Frequency & Voltage test:
This test goes hand in hand with the previous one, as it also uses the Oscilloscope and aims to determine if the cable can withstand the required frequency and voltage to fulfill its purpose of signal transmission.
Piezoelectric effects test:
This test is used to check if the cable exhibits interferences caused by stepping on the cable, from impacts, or direct contact with the cable while in use. To prevent your cable from transmitting any interference, professional cables such as SOLCOR’s, have a mesh that serves to divert such potential interferences.
At our company, the protective mesh with excellent locking level is a fundamental component for eliminating interferences. In this test, we also use an Amplifier and an electric guitar.
Tension test:
Its purpose is to guarantee rugged use in our cables.
To achieve this, we simulate the possible treatment that musicians may give to the cable by placing a 20 kg weight on it for 4 hours. Through this procedure, we can determine whether the cable is ready for sale or needs to be sent back to the production line.
As you can read, SOLCOR’s commitment with quality undergoes not only attitude, but technical evidence so you can rely on us in every note you play.